the SYREN project

SYREN Project Objectives
SYstème de REconnaissance des Navires
(Ship Recognition System)


The main objective of the SYREN project, led by InSilio within the Sea Competitiveness Pole, is to provide a low-cost solution for ships movement monitoring in marinas and harbours to:

  • increase security of goods and people (theft from the sea)
  • insure a better exploitation and animation of marinas
    • illegally parked ships
    • yield management and optimization

In the near future

SYREN is planned to allow a full tracking of every ship within the harbour/marina area.

General Technical Presentation

System based upon automatic reading and shapes/caracters recognition (OCR)

  • cameras, lighting
  • motion detectors
  • real-time processing of video data provided by sensors


  • better harbour management and exploitation
  • compatibility with harbour information system
  • self-learning system
  • low level of intervention needed from the operator
  • interface with with other main marine security projects SECMAR/CAPASEATY
  • free and totally hassle-free for the end-user

Partners and Planning

Sea Competitiveness Pole

  • InSilio (project leader, market research, sales)
  • University Sud Toulon Var (proof of concept, math algo)
  • C & S (technical feasability)
  • Micro-BE (industrialization)

Pilot Harbours and Marinas (agreements pending)

  • Bandol - France
  • Hyères Saint Pierre - France


  • official seal from Sea Competitiveness Pole : March 7, 2006
  • demo Q4 2007
  • available on market Q2 2008

InSilio - ZI Toulon Est, BP 525 - 130, rue Marcellin Berthelot - 83078 TOULON Cedex 9 - France
Tel : +33 (0) 4 98 03 22 85 - Fax : +33 (0)4 94 36 13 84 - Contact: Info - Contact: Webmaster